Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The ugly sisters, retarded boy and the Bollywood actress

I would like to add to the flurry of emails to endemol. I never perk up and write/phone/email for programmes like reality show Big Brother but I am compeled to do so. The social experiment is indicitve of parts of our society and well done you for spotting it.
I do believe it to be all the things people are voicing, Racist, envy, bullying.

I do think you have cheated us viewers by adding first class variety performers with topless model footballers mistress� and pondscum and their boyfriends!!! and Desperate Dan features Jo from synthetic kids t.v program S Club 7.

I'm a bit aggravated by this as other people in the house are too scared to say anything about this blatant Lord of the Rings episode to the perpetrator's.

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